About us
Partner Navigator is the source for fact-based information about the Dutch ICT market!
We help you to accelerate your success by providing up-to-date data, analytics, strategy and marketing programs.
The information is available online, in reports and in programs.
If you are interested…
… to know if you work with the best partners to achieve your current goals
… who are the new stars for specific markets or topics
… how partners think about their future growth
… to update your partner CRM system
You will be interested in Partner Navigator!
Partner Navigator offers services to accelerate your success.
The heart of our services is the unique PN Database with profiles of (almost) all Dutch ICT companies and organizations. The profiles contains information on their roles (software) vendor, service provider or reseller, their market approach for horizontal and vertical segments and their services, products solutions and partners. The data is available at the portal.
We are specialized in the ICT market. We make market analyses, reports, help customers with their go to market strategy, find the right partners and develop innovative marketing programs. For global enterprises and fresh start-ups.
We have worked for companies like HPE, SAP, Microsoft, Ricoh, KPN, Previder, Datto, EGP and many others and we would love to help your organization! Contact us and let’s find out if there is a match.
Founding partners
We would like to help you get the most out of your partnerships!
Leo van Schie
Leo started in 2004 as an independent consultant on the field of optimizing business partnerships! Supporting customers in building successful alliances, developing and optimizing sales- and marketing channels and developing concepts for innovative communities or (social)networks. Providing management consultancy, interim management, tools, programs and training: A full range of services and products to make your partnership successful. A no-nonsense approach that will start with a clear (partner)strategy, followed by partner selection and supporting programs and finally evaluation and where needed fine-tuning for further optimization. Leo has more then 25 years of experience in ICT, Industry and Logistic environment and scalable to serve a corporate enterprises as well as entrepreneurs in the SMB segment. And has successfully completed projects for KPN (Royal Dutch Telecom), HP, Ricoh, Exact software and many other large and small companies.
Ruud Alaerds
30 years of experience in IT & marketing, marketresearch and consultancy. Now also active as managing director of Dutch Cloud Community. Several management positions at technology and marketing companies. His focus is the IT market. Ruud consults, supports and delivers insights. In a way that will bring you results. Using market information, internal information in order to provide you with an actionable plan. He acts as a partner not as a supplier. With a focus on market intelligence, database and data analysis he takes down complexity. Services include market research, database matching, data analysis, dashboarding and management presentation and reports.