Database Services

Find the right partners and use
up-to-date information on more than 104.000 Dutch ICT companies.

The most complete database of Dutch ICT companies

Profiles of almost all 104.000+ ICT related organizations. Software vendors, MSP’s, Service providers and more…. Find the best fits for your purpose or goal. New channel partners, analytics or lead generation. Profiles contain the information you need to find the right and matching partner. We list size, age, knowledge, specializations and partners.

If you are looking for a specific company or a group of Dutch ICT organisations, check the Partner Navigator database first.

Example query:

Find all Resellers that have more than 10 FTE and have a focus on security consultancy, in small and medium sized transportation companies and are a Microsoft Top partner?:


13 resellers comply with these criteria and can be viewed or downloaded to a excel file.

Database Services

Profiles containing

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Customers for these services

If you are interested

to know if you work with the best partners for your current goals.

who are the new partners for specific markets. 

how partners think about their future growth. 

to update your unmanaged partner community. 

You will be interested in Partner Navigator.